Dan recently rolled out his new online personal trainer program, which allows him to reach a much broader client base. Dan is fully equipped to work with clients around the globe, which makes him the perfect “Online Personal Trainer” Long Beach CA Level 9 clients can count on.

Dan Cohen is a Multi-Certified Personal Fitness Trainer in charge of Innovation Fit in the Boston MA area. He’s invested years in gaining knowledge and experience. Entering into a fitness training program with Dan requires a high level of commitment and dedication, as Dan’s programs are designed for success, both short term and long term.

Online personal training comes with a very specific set of guidelines at the beginning of a new program and close contact is kept to ensure long term exercise and fitness success. To learn more about Long Beach Online Personal Trainer programs with Dan Cohen simply fill out the form below.


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You can also call or text Dan directly at  617-935-3230



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