Semi Private Personal Training and group exercise is a great option for just the right amount of personal attention from LB’s best personal trainer with the competitive nature of group exercise classes.

If you like the idea of group ex but want to avoid large groups try semi-private training. You’ll get a bit more attention and guidance from your trainer than you’d get from larger open-enrollment boot camps.


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Semi-Private Group Training Rates

Join a semi-private group or form your own. Level 9 Long Beach Semi-Private Training groups vary from 4 to 10 members and offer plenty of personal attention from your trainer.

1 $30 N/A
15+ $22 $8 per session

Quantity cap may vary depending on availability. Contact for current info.


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Semi-Private Training Group Exercise Gives You:

  • Small groups offer more personal attention – this has obvious benefits over large group exercise classes
  • Semi-Private Training Saves You Money – enjoy great savings over doing only 1-on-1 personal training with the benefits of group exercise sessions in a beautiful outdoor setting.
  • Progressive Personal and Group Training – Six weeks of personal training with a steady increase in intensity for all fitness levels. No plateau like many gym classes and pay-as-you-go programs. You will experience consistent results and improvements.
  • Total Accountability – all members share the same scheduling options and count on each other for motivation and support
  • Higher Success Rate – over the years this type of program always gives better results than large boot camps (25 to 50 people) because there is a great amount of personal attention and support from a the personal training instructor and group members


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You’ll love Semi Private Training, Guaranteed or Your Money Back!

Long Beach Personal Training GuaranteeThe Level 9 Semi-Private Personal Training Long Beach CA small group outdoor exercise training program is the total body workout that will get you lean, firm and tight for the summer and beyond. All fitness levels, from beginner to advanced will thrive in this Long Beach CA boot camp program. Small groups mean more personal attention for each client. Bring a “Can Do Attitude” and the rest will fall into place. We can also help out with nutritional guidance. Results are inevitable if you’re willing to put in the work. No Regrets, Just Results!


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Why Semi-Private Personal Training?

With a free trial you’ll have a chance to take it all in and feel the energy of the group. Plus you’ll get amazing boot camp outside, with an ocean view. Most Level 9 Fitness boot camp classes are held in beautiful Belmont Shore Long Beach CA. We’ve made results oriented group fitness accessible to all with fun, affordable Long Beach group exercise classes in 90803 and the surrounding areas.


Semi-Private Program Details:

Semi-Personal Training is as close as you can get to 1-on-1, aside from partner training, for a fraction of the cost. You’ll be training with la maximum of 8 members and a top level personal fitness trainer utilizing the Level 9 Fitness System  – featuring Mixed Method Muscle Confusion.

Unlimited Semi-Private Boot Camp: Intense, results oriented workouts in a group setting with other motivated people in Long Beach CA. The Level 9 Group Exercise Classes in Long Beach CA offer a total body fitness program that’s perfect for sculpting, toning, weight loss and general health. Attend outdoor group exercise sessions, always challenging and always changing. You’ll never plateau because your body can never fully adapt to Jed Miller’s Mixed Method Muscle Confusion™ (M3C) training program.

Nutrition Support: A key part of any fitness program designed for rapid results is a clean and healthy meal plan. Nutritional meal planning could make all the difference in helping you hit your fitness goals, especially if other programs have failed you in the past. Eating right will help you achieve maximum results, especially when combined with personal fitness training and boot camp. Proper nutrition is absolutely essential, no matter what your health and fitness goals are.

Total Accountability: Knowing your semi-private personal trainer is always aware of who’s in attendance and who’s not makes you more accountable and likely to to attend all sessions, unlike larger boot camps. Additional accountability means there’s No Room for Error. 100% accountability is the best way to guarantee you’ll stay on track no matter what.


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