3 Free Fitness Tips

Long Beach Muscle Confusion Personal Trainer Jed Miller

Fitness Tips From Jed Miller


Use these 3 tips!  I give you this info because I want you to succeed in meeting your health and fitness goals and maintaining good health for lots of years.  These are fitness tips, not torture.  Give it a try.  Commit to these basic changes in your life for 30 days and then take stock on how you feel, look and perform.

  1. Write everything down.  Keep 2 journals: 1 for food and 1 for workouts.  Be strict with this.  Hold yourself 100% accountable.
  2. Make working out a MUST, not a SHOULD.
  3. Find a workout buddy who is more motivated than you.


Want extra motivation and support?  Try working with a Long Beach Personal Trainer.  Your trial session is free and there’s no obligation to buy.

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    Jed Miller

    Certified Master Fitness Trainer, Group Exercise Instructor, Fitness Blogger and all around fitness and health nut. In addition to highly personalized fitness training, JM has worked in health club management as well as corporate wellness for leading pharmaceutical companies.

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