Long Beach Personal Trainer Jed Miller

Long Beach Personal Trainer

Join Long Beach Personal Trainer Jed Miller or another Level 9 Fitness Trainer and discover your true potential!  Start with a No Cost Trial Session which will help your fitness trainer to determine your abilities, strengths and weaknesses..hey, we all have them.

A Personalized Muscle Confusion Program Is Your Key To Success

After your free personal training trial you’ll have the opportunity to start a completely personalized training program.  Personalized training means faster results than you’ll get with a “cookie cutter” general fitness program with the average personal fitness instructor.

Hire The Best To Be Your Best!

Start Your Trial


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    let's start with
    1 Session FREE3 Sessions $33

    Trial offers apply to outdoor training only
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    Jed Miller

    Certified Master Fitness Trainer, Group Exercise Instructor, Fitness Blogger and all around fitness and health nut. In addition to highly personalized fitness training, JM has worked in health club management as well as corporate wellness for leading pharmaceutical companies.

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