Protein Sources – Knowing What Foods to Eat Is a Must
Protein is a macronutrient that your body uses to provide energy to the cells and build lean mass. So how much is enough protein to build quality lean muscle? The basic rule for gaining lean mass is to consume plenty of protein, along with the right carbs, good fats and lots of greens. Our focus in this article is protein, contact me, Jed Miller for information about a complete meal plan.
Suggested Protein Sources and Daily Intake
I suggest 2 grams of protein for every pound of body weight. In some cases this is too much but it’s almost never not enough, even for a body builder. The only way to be sure is to work with a Long Beach Personal Training Instructor, a dietician or your doctor.
Below is a basic chart to show you how much protein you’re getting from various protein rich foods. This chart should help you get on the right track.
If you’re still not sure about a complete meal plan let’s meet so I can help you get started the right way.
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