
Is Fasting and Feasting Better than Grazing All Day?

Fat Loss is the hot topic at Boot Camp and PT lately. No shocker there right?

But what might surprise you is which method is working the best and fastest, across the board, regardless of body type, fitness level, age and sex.

Let me back up a sec… For a bunch of years now I’ve been saying (some would even say preaching) that we should all be on a ‘Grazing Diet’ requiring 6 to 8 small meals spread out evenly through the day, starting soon after you wake up each morning.

In my defense that’s what I was taught and Certified to teach others, the concept that grazing all day boosts your metabolism.

We now know the exact opposite is true: If you keep eating small amounts of food throughout the day, you’ll never burn significant levels fat stores unless you train like a pro athlete every single day, and never have a cheat meal. Wait, what??

Here’s where I’ve changed my tune.. BIG TIME,
and why I’ve fasted up to 84 hours at a time.

Intermittent Fasting & Extended Fasting Provide Major Benefits

Intermittent fasting daily (around 16 hours) and extended fasting (24+ hours) are now proven and backed by science to do a ton of good stuff for your body and brain!

Honestly, it took me a while to fully embrace fasting but the proof, as they say, is in the pudding.

I have first hand proof that fasting works for fat burning, increased energy levels, metal focus and clarity, in addition to a general sense of well-being.

Some studies even suggest fasting can aid in cancer prevention and boost conventional cancer treatments including chemo and radiation.

RELATED:  Coffee Enema Detox Step-by-Step + Benefits of Coffee Cleanse

So yes, I was wrong to say you should never feel hungry or deny your body food when your tummy growls.

You can learn about fasting benefits backed by science in this article from Healthline:

And if you can spare 15 minutes for this video (totally worth it) you can learn a ton about nutrition, Ketosis, fasting facts and finally debunk that ridiculous food pyramid. The video is: “LONGEVITY & WHY I NOW EAT 1 MEAL A DAY”
See it here:


Keep your eyes peeled for a follow up email and post soon with fasting testimonials and results from people I know who have seen significant benefits in a super short amount of time.

Be sure to add to your trusted contacts and keep us out of your junk folder.

Look for part 2 soon!


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