Q: How long should I work out?

How long should I work out

Exactly how long should I work out?

We hear this question all the time at Level 9 Fitness and there’s really no perfect answer unless you’re being trained by a pro. So many factors come into play when you wonder How long should I work outHow long should I work out“. It depends on the type of exercise you’re doing, the intensity of your workout and also your current physical condition. Plus, you have to take your goals and consistency of training into consideration, such as fat loss, muscle development, rehabilitation of an injury, etc. Most studies would suggest 40 minutes to one full hour should be more than enough training in one session. Most personal training programs provide 55 to 60 minute sessions but in some cases 30 minute sessions may be suggested by a trainer. Many boot camp programs also train in one hour sessions. Shorter 30 minute workouts work well for people with a fairly recent injury, people with physical disabilities, people over 60 and also clients in a maintenance program mixed with lots of homework (workouts you’d do on your own).


Ask a Personal Trainer

As you can see there’s not an exact session duration that’s perfect for everyone but 1 hour is usually best. Talk to a reputable personal trainer in your area for a personalized plan of action. If you’re in or around Long Beach CA we’ll be happy to offer you a No-Cost trial workout and you’re welcome to follow or free meal plan even if you’re not an active client.


Photo credit: Wojtek Pruchnicki / iWoman / CC BY


Jed Miller

Certified Master Fitness Trainer, Group Exercise Instructor, Fitness Blogger and all around fitness and health nut. In addition to highly personalized fitness training, JM has worked in health club management as well as corporate wellness for leading pharmaceutical companies.

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