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If you’re not seeing a perfect fit for your needs request a Custom Program Quote. Your custom quote will be provided after a trial session.

  • Info collected at TRIAL WORKOUT
  • Scheduling requests
  • Budget requirements
  • Duration of sessions (30m or 60m)
  • Outdoor / Private Studio / Home
  • Single / Partner


STEP 1Consultation & Trial Workout

STEP 2 – Receive Custom Program Quote

STEP 3 – Start Getting Fit Right Away

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YELP REVIEWERS agree this is the program you need to try.

5 Star Reviews

[ct_testimonial name=”Nikki A” title=”Restaurant Owner” image=”https://level9personaltraining.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/nicki-a.jpg” style=”left” animation=”zoomin”]

I’ve noticed my body changing. It was becoming much harder for me to lose weight and keep my desired physique . I have never been a big fan of going to the gym which is why finding Jed was a life saver![/ct_testimonial]

[ct_testimonial name=”Luke Tipple” title=” TV Host / Activist” image=”https://level9personaltraining.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/luke_tipple.jpg” style=”left” animation=”zoomin”]

With a busy travel schedule and a physically demanding career, staying in shape is tough. Training with Jed gives me the endurance required while on the job and the cut physique I need when swimming with sharks in LA. Get outdoors and train with Jed, you won’t regret it.


[ct_testimonial name=”Heidi B” title=”Educator / World Traveler” image=”https://level9personaltraining.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/heidi_b2.jpg” style=”left” animation=”zoomin”]

I can’t say enough good things about training with Jed. He has definitely pushed me further than I thought I could go. I always feel accomplished after the end of our sessions and of course that post-workout endorphin high doesn’t hurt either!


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You can start with a no-cost trial workout. ZERO RISK.

There’s never any pressure to buy sessions, unlike the gym.


Check out reviews to see what others have experienced at Level 9 Fitness.

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